

I suppose this blog thing is means that I upload my work in a clever attempt to show off. Since I don't have things to show off though, I'm just gonna throw on some of my practise work and see what happens.

I just got back my winter fair drawings, here's a scan from one page:

And just some scans from my sketchbook. No schoolwork just play.

<- That there is Evenara or Eevee, as she lets no one but her brother call her. I've had her in my head for awhile. This is about four separate occasions of drawing her and she's been more then four different personalities, still working out her character but again, this is just for fun so she'll probably never be seen again in a few more pages of sketchbookery.

Aaaaaand! Next, a bit of an introduction... I've been watching a lot of Sorbules... er Hercules, lately. That is, Kevin Sorbo trying to act. I think they just decided after the movies that Hercules' character would just be Kevin Sorbo, so that they wouldn't have to remind him to act.

Anywho that sketchery over there is the short, amusing sidekick, Iolaus. I have to say next to the Sobowski, Michael Hurst is a god of acting. I'm hoping to do some mildy realistic sketches of The Widow Twanky sometime in the near future, I mean, if I wasn't fairly certain that he didn't have a twin sister, I would have thought he was a woman. Y'anywho. That's a cartoon version of my interperetation of Iolaus, brought on by watching that show way way too much.

Well that's all for now, sleep is calling my name, and she's fairly cranky.

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